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What’s This Tingling in My Leg?

What’s This Tingling in My Leg?

When thinking of low back pain (LBP), one may visualize a person half-bent over with their hand on the sore spot of their back. Since many of us have experienced low back pain during our lifetime, we can usually relate to a personal experience and recall how limited we were during the acute phase of [..]

Facts About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Sleep

Facts About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Sleep

Have you ever woken up at night with numbness and tingling in your fingers and had to climb out of bed and shake your hands, flick your fingers, and/or rub your arms to “…wake them up?” Well, you’re not alone! In fact, this is one of the more common and often one of the FIRST [..]

Chiropractic and Helping the Aging Population

Chiropractic and Helping the Aging Population

What can we do as individuals to improve our quality of life as we age? In order to address this question, let’s break this down into “Bio-Psycho-Social” categories: BIO: weight, diet, exercise, fitness; PSYCHO: brain stimulating activities and exercises, diet and nutritional supplementation; and SOCIAL: interaction and relationships.BIO: This includes “biological” functions such as weight [..]

Low Back Pain – When is it DANGEROUS to Wait?

Low Back Pain – When is it DANGEROUS to Wait?

Low back pain (LBP) typically results from relatively “benign” causes, meaning it’s usually safe to wait and try conservative / non-emergency care first. However, there are a handful of times when prompt medical emergency management is appropriate, and it’s important that everyone is aware of these uncommon but dangerous and sometimes deadly causes of LBP, [..]

What Most People Don’t Know About Car Accident Injuries

What Most People Don’t Know About Car Accident Injuries

Whiplash (or WAD – whiplash associated disorders) can be defined by a sudden movement of the head and neck beyond its normal range of motion resulting in pain and stiffness and less often, numbness and tingling in the arms and hands. Prognosis is a term associated with a predicted outcome of a condition with the [..]

Good News… It Might Not Be Fibromyalgia After All!

Good News… It Might Not Be Fibromyalgia After All!

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition where widespread generalized pain limits a person's ability to function, sometimes to the point of complete disability. This month, we'll look at identifying markers that may be used to determine whether a patient has FM or not. Chronic pain that arises from the muscles and joints affects nearly 20% of [..]

Neck Pain – The MOST Important Exercises (Part 2)

Neck Pain – The MOST Important Exercises (Part 2)

As stated last month, exercises that focus on improving posture, flexibility, strength, and coordination are important for creating a well-rounded cervical rehabilitation program. Our discussion continues this month with stretching and strengthening exercises. STRETCHING: Since our neck muscles have to hold up our 12 pound (~5.5 kg) head, it’s no wonder why our neck muscles [..]

Neck Pain – The MOST Important Exercises (Part 2)

Neck Pain – The MOST Important Exercises (Part 2)

As stated last month, exercises that focus on improving posture, flexibility, strength, and coordination are important for creating a well-rounded cervical rehabilitation program. Our discussion continues this month with stretching and strengthening exercises. STRETCHING: Since our neck muscles have to hold up our 12 pound (~5.5 kg) head, it’s no wonder why our neck muscles [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Neck Pain – The Great Mystery!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Neck Pain – The Great Mystery!

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) develops when the median nerve is pinched at the palm-side of the wrist causing numbness in the index, third, and thumb-side half of the ring/fourth finger. Since the median nerve passes through the neck, it's possible that dysfunction in the neck can interfere with the median nerve, resulting in carpal tunnel [..]

Fibromyalgia and HOW TO IMPROVE SLEEP!

Fibromyalgia and HOW TO IMPROVE SLEEP!

Last month, we reported some exciting news about the link between fibromyalgia (FM) and the importance of sleep, particularly getting to the deep sleep stage. However, we did not discuss the various strategies that YOU can use to improve your quality of sleep. Let’s take a look! Establishing a consistent and better sleep pattern is [..]

How to Prevent Whiplash! (Part 3)

How to Prevent Whiplash! (Part 3)

Previously, we discussed the topic of whiplash prevention which included the importance of a properly positioned head restraint, airbags, seat belts, and anti-lock braking systems. This month, we will conclude this important topic! Electronic Stability Control (ESC): The importance of the ESC safety feature becomes VERY APPARENT when you start to lose control on snow [..]

Spinal Manipulation AFTER Surgery HELPS!

Spinal Manipulation AFTER Surgery HELPS!

Unfortunately, low back pain (LBP) is something MOST of us cannot avoid. There is solid evidence that chiropractic care is one of the most effective methods of treating LBP, but there are times when a referral for surgery is needed. What about manipulative therapy (MT) AFTER surgery? Is this a good idea? Does it help? [..]