Archive for the 'Advanced' Category
In 1921, physician Henry Winsor, MD, from the University of Pennsylvania, performed meticulous necropsies on 50 cadavers, and published the results in the journal Medical Times. A unique interest of Dr. Winsor was the stages of spinal dysfunction and spinal degenerative disease.
Dr. Winsor discovered that 49 of the 50 cadavers displayed minor curvatures of [..]
In 2003, Donald E Ingber, MD, PhD, published an article in the journal Annals of Medicine (1) titled:Mechanobiology and Diseases of MechanotransductionDr. Ingber is from the Vascular Biology Program, Departments of Surgery and Pathology, Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. In this article, Dr. Ingber emphasizes the importance of mechanics and physical forces in influencing cellular physiology, [..]
How Safe Are Chiropractic Adjustments?
In recent years the safety and efficacy of Chiropractic adjustments / manipulation have come into question. And simultaneously the accusations against spinal manipulation / Chiropractic adjustments have come under equal fire. It is the hope of this months issue to alleviate the questions surrounding this clinical approach and it’s utilization [..]
Understanding that cervical spine problems can cause headache is not a new understanding, yet is still all too often overlooked. In 1956, Emil Seletz, MD… a noted Beverly Hills, CA, neurosurgeon. He was member of the esteemed faculty at the University of California, Los Angeles, medical school, and had treated more than 20,000 injury patients [..]
Perhaps the most authoritative book written pertaining to the spine is Schmorl’s and Junghanns’ The Human Spine in Health and Disease. Georg Schmorl (1861-1932) was a German physician and pathologist. Herbert Junghanns (1902-1986) was the Chief of the Occupational Accident Hospital, Surgical Clinic, and Head of the Institute for Spinal Column Research, in Frankfurt, Germany. The [..]
aThis month it’s time for us to discuss the remarkably common nature of cervical spine degenerative joint disease in the general population. In a book titled Painful Cervical Trauma, John Hopkins University School of Medicine neurosurgeon John Aryanpur, MD, states:“Degenerative spondylosis, or osteoarthritis, of the cervical spine is common in all individuals over 50 years of [..]
A Common Sequela Of Neck InjuriesIn 1991, Denver Thoracic Outlet surgeon Richard Sanders, MD, wrote a book with the above title (1). In this months issue we are going to discuss many of Dr. Sanders’ remarkable observations… beginning with…His Definition of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)“TOS is neurovascular symptoms in the upper extremity due to pressure [..]
When considering whiplash injuries, three questions are important:What are the primary tissues that are injured during whiplash trauma?Which injured tissues are responsible for chronic whiplash injury pain?Which conservative treatments are best at preventing and treating chronic whiplash injury pain?Discussions to help answer these questions are to come in the following pages. However, I believe first a [..]
Can Injury Occur In Low Impact Motor Vehicle Collisions?Today in 2008 its almost a foregone conclusion and certainly professional experience confirms that automobile accident insurance company claim adjusters, defense attorneys, and medical experts for the defense continue to proclaim that an individual within a vehicle involved in a collision cannot be injured if their vehicle sustains only minimum structural [..]
A Commonly Overlooked Component In Unresolved Back Pain
In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered x-rays and radiographs. Soon thereafter, radiographs of the spine began to appear in prominent healthcare research and literature.
Later in 1916, Harvard Orthopedic Surgeon Robert W. Lovett, MD, published the third edition of his book Lateral Curvature of the Spine [..]